Monday, May 27, 2024

Sky Space in Spring Green #2

Sky Space in Spring Green #2

- what I call my Monet space of sky in the trees, since 1) I keep going back to it and painting it again and again through changes in weather and seasons and 2) since I discovered his paintings of this same shape after I'd been painting this scene that Monet did the same thing with the space in the trees by the branch of the Seine river at Giverny again and again,  see some of them HERE - in the back fields behind my Shapleigh, Maine home painted plein air on May 22, 2024, 12" x 9" (w x h), Daniel Smith, Schmincke Horadam, and Winsor & Newton watercolors, selected for light fastness and permanence, and Uniball waterproof fade proof ink on 140 lbs. Fabriano Artistico cold press rough 100% cotton extra white watercolor paper, framed.

The Plein Air setup

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