No Goat Goat Island
of Goat Island Light in Cape Porpoise Harbor, Kennebunkport, Maine on
June 11, 2023, painted in July 2023, 17.5" x 13.5", art, 25" x 21",
framed (w x h), Daniel Smith, Schmincke Horadam, and Winsor & Newton
watercolors, selected for light fastness and permanence, and
Prismacolor waterproof fade proof ink on 140 lbs. Fabriano Artistico
cold press rough 100% cotton extra white watercolor paper, framed. $900 SOLD
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Photo of the marker buoy at the mouth of the Kennebunk River, at 6:00 pm with the incoming tide, between Kennebunk and Kennebunkport, Maine on August 12, 2023:
The Kennebunk River Club 66th Annual Art Show and Sale
A rising tide flows up river,
as art show attendees gather
at the River Club. On my way,
striding, pausing, and pondering,
a tidal sight premonition:
My watercolor, will it wear
a red dot? Possibly? Oh Buoy!
© 2023 Bruce McMillan
Strange but True Facts
A red dot indicating a sold painting is not a polka dot since a lone red dot requires a dance partner, another red dot, to dance, to polka, but this one is dancing...

No Goat Goat Island was selected by the show's poster committee for this year's poster.

In 2019 my watercolor Before Breakfast at the Colony (see the art HERE) was the featured poster art. According to a River
Club representative, I'm the only artist to have their art selected twice for the annual show's poster.

The Kennebunk River Club Annual Show and Sale is held in their two buildings, the one over the tidal river on the left and the one across Ocean Drive on the right, this year, 2023 featuring, 125 artists with one work from each artist, no size limit, and including sculpture.
Art over the pilings, hence over the Kennebunk River.
Across Ocean Drive, even more art...
Best in Show was In the Warer by K.J. Shows, a life jacket, well painted with a cleaver title, and since this is the River Club, a likely choice.
Meanwhile, one of the sales agents, taking down the buyers' names after making it official and putting up the red dot.
No polka but that red dot is dancing.
The new owners (left and right), the artist (center), and the art behind.
This marks the third consecutive Kennebunk River Club Art Show where my watercolor has sold.