To Eat an SS Pylsur
Hot Dog
at Iceland's noted oldest hot dog stand,
Bæjarins beztu pylsur (Bæjarins Best Hot Dog),
located in downtown Reykjavik, at its temporary
location across the street while the city
builds around it, and which even has it's own
website English HERE, Icelandic (more photos) HERE
on August 10, painted on August 18, 2018
11" x 7" (w x h), Daniel Smith, Schmincke Horadam, and
Winsor & Newton watercolors, selected for light fastness and
permanence, and Uniball waterproof fade proof ink on 140 lb. Fabriano
Artistico cold press fine grain 100% cotton extra white watercolor paper
framed, including tax and shipping $250
A Bus on Suðurgata
by Bruce McMillan
City night, spots of
dots of light, bus at stoplight,
people going, gone.
© 2018 Bruce McMillan
Shadows and Reflections
around Iceland with my Icelandic friends
the last three weeks this 2018 Summer
- in nontraditional solo selfies -
On top of a hill in the south at Syðsta Mörk
trying, unsuccessfully, to paint a
watercolor in the wind

Fishing in the north on the Skjálfandafljót,
where I caught an Arctic Char
By the family barn at Syðsta Mörk
where we had the best wedding,
Rannveig and Atli, in 2014
In the museum at Kjarvalsstaðir in Reykjavík,
the museum's website HERE
In the old harbor of Reykjavík reflecting
in the EVE Monument from CCP Games, an online
science fiction game, about the game Wiki HERE.
Standing over fifteen feet tall, the monument
consists of three differently shaped spires, two
made of stone flanking a shining metal center
pillar. The game was created Reykjavik.
An evening barbecue on the deck in Syðsta Mörk,
Bína's shadow, left, while Óli grills, and both
my reflection and shadow in the window.
Walking along Nýlendug in Reykjavik,
from the grassy Þúfa sculpture to Erna's home.
At the National Gallery of Iceland HERE,
captured on the display in the
video gallery downstairs.