Morning's Glory at the Door
painted plein air on July 20, 2018
10" x 8" (w x h), Daniel Smith, Schmincke Horadam,
and Winsor & Newton watercolors, selected for light fastness
and permanence, and #3 graphite on 140 lb. Arches
cold press rough 100% cotton watercolor paper
Gifted to my Castine hosts, Johanna and Pedrick Sweet
Private Collection
Photo of my host Johanna's hollyhocks
shadowing in the morning on their home
in Castine, Maine, July 20, 2018
Sheet Music of Hollyhocks
by Bruce McMillan
With a bright rising sun casting
its light on paper-white clapboard
lines, hollyhocks trumpet joy as
their musical clef starts the day.
© 2018 Bruce McMillan
At the Castine
Plein Air Festival
2018 Show
On Saturday July 21, 2018, at 3: 30 we gathered,
all of us painters, for the awards presentations, with Don Tenney, Director,
at the ABA Hall, Maine Maritime Academy in Castine.
It was a pleasure to finally see and meet all of us who'd been scattered all around
Castine on the peninsula and see what we'd all painted in the previous two days.
The awards went to:
First Prize, Michael Vermette, Indian Island, ME, Eaton's Boathouse at Dawn
Second Prize, Chrissy Nickerson, Canmore, Alberta, Canada and Cape Rosier, ME, View, the Bagaduce
Third Prize, Roberta Goschke, Waldoboro, ME, The Little School House - Adams School
Five Honorable Mention Awards
Elizabeth Ashton Hallett, Brooklyn, NY, View, Blue Hill
Alison Menke, Clarksville, MD, Summer Beech Tree
Anthony Watkins, Bradley, ME, Harbor Nocturne
Henry Coe, Parkton, MD, Boatyard
Laurie Lefebvre, Red Ride
Judges for the awards were Jill Hoy, Jill Hoy Gallery in Stonington, ME, and Josh Adam, Adam Gallery in Castine.
Castine Captured award for the artist whose painting best depicted the essence of Castine:
Julia Durgee, Portland, ME, Castine Scene.
At 4:00 pm the public was invited in to feast on the art and as well as
take some of Castine home with a purchase.
I had my chosen six on display.
It was a full crowd, a busy place for two hours.
4Across from my table I spied a painting that captured the essence of event, what we'd been doing for the past two days. It was painted by Mary Brann of Searsport, Maine. Mary said that the painter in her painting was so engaged in painting her scene that she wasn't even aware that she was the subject of Mary's painting, and never even saw it. Note the person looking at this art, hmm.
Alison Painting Castine
Mary Brann, Searsport, Maine
Oil on canvas, 11" x 14" (w x h)
New art in the Bruce McMillan Collection
(I couldn't resist, Mary captured the event through Alison.)
So, who was that looking at the painting?
Mary Brann, left, of Searsport, Maine, the painter and
Alison Menke, right, of Clarksville, Maryland, the painted painter,
who finally got to see the painting and absolutely loved it.
At the end of two hours, two of my paintings, red dots, had found homes.
And Blue Hill Too, 14" x 11", $275
Breeze in Castine Harbor, 7" x 5", $115
And at the end of the day some of us
artists gathered to celebrate over dinner...
I was stuck between two winners, Alison, left, and Chrissy, right.
Alison Menke, Honorable mention Award, left, is an accomplished painter, traveling the country, California to Maine, in her plein-air vehicle, painting fine art, winning awards, and engaging everyone with her painting enthusiasm and warm, endearing personality. And she'll be painting on my wall in Mary Brann's painting. Alison's web site is HERE.
Chrissy Nickerson, Second Prize, summers in across-the-harbor Cape Rosier, and lives in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. And I've had her art hanging in my house for years. We met in February 2007 in the Exumas, Bahamas on her parent's boat for brunch. She was playing with watercolors. That morning she also painted with my two grandsons on the dock. Two watercolors that I purchased from her that morning hang in my home. And I commissioned a watercolor of my son's sailboat, SV Grace, which hangs in their home. I remember seeing her sitting out in her dinghy painting it at anchor. And I've watched her online over the years mature into a brilliant, masterful oil painter. And our paths crossed again, this time as painters, at the Castine Plein Air Festival, 2018. Chrissy's web site is HERE.