painted in 2020 with a memory from my 2016 photo, 7" x 5" (w x h), Daniel Smith, Schmincke Horadam, and Winsor & Newton watercolors, selected for light fastness and permanence, and Prismacolor waterproof fade proof ink on 140 lb. Fabriano Artistico cold press rough 100% cotton extra white watercolor paper framed.
Strange but True Fact:
If a sailboat is named Abstract
its dinghy would likely be named Thought.
by Bruce McMillan © 2025
The Island of Nubble Light held
my mind on a winter day. I
wondered why, as I beheld
a snow-white wave. Under the sky,
far out on the horizon, was
a sailboat, maybe, was it tacked,
or not. I put my mind on pause.
I let it draw in the abstract.